History of the Fair of Verona
The Fiera di Verona starts with the Fieracavalli 1898. The appointment immediately reached a large echo, so as to be attended by eminent personalities like the Prince Umberto of Savoy, Vittorio Emanuele III.Another historic event, which has pulled the show in Verona, was the first Congress Automobile Club of Italy in which he participated Giovanni Alberto Agnelli, in 1899. In 1921 she joined the Cup Verona that saw the participation and the victory of the myth Tazio Nuvolari.
Year after year, it consolidates the success of the fair. In 1900, the horses come from Prussia, Russia and Hungary. In 1906 the King Vittorio Emanuele III to visit the fair, while in the postwar period, in 1924 this will be Prince Umberto of Savoy.
The Fair is also from the outset forum for the presentation of innovative technologies. In 1899, for example, hosted the first congress held by the Automobile Club car in Italy, and so was born in Verona on the Road Code and organization of distribution. Among the participants in the review comes the cav. Giovanni Agnelli, the founder of Fiat, with a “quadricycle in two places.” In 1909, the event highlights of the exhibition is a big balloon race.
In 1921 the great driver Tazio Nuvolari, who won the Cup Verona, automobile race held between the events of the Fair. 1922 is the year of the boom of agricultural mechanization, but with the progress of mechanical traction progresses even the space devoted to horses. In 1925, for the opening of the fair will be inaugurated on the Verona-electromotive-Garda Caprino, a very important step forward in railway communications of the time. In 1927 he returned the car, in an exhibition devoted to them within Fieracavalli.
Thirty years in the show grows. Nel ’37 gli espositori sono saliti a 850, per 1500 ditte rappresentate, e vengono venduti 5500 dei 6000 cavalli esposti.
In 1940, the fair is opened while the world is at war, but the dramatic international situation does not seem to diminish the success of the event, which closes even one day in advance, because they were sold all 6000 animals present, with a tour turnover of 22 million lire at the time.
In 1948, the festival celebrates its half century in the new home of Borgo Roma, in 1950 and is already talk of the International Fair.
In the years of postwar economic development and agriculture are experiencing a considerable growth, leading the horse to be increasingly marginalized from the life of man. Responsible for Fieracavalli, will keep alive the traditions most noble and ancient – think only at the International blacksmith that takes place every year in the Review and rewards the best teachers of the art of shoe the horse – and seize the most innovative dall’ippoterapia trekking on horseback, to offer to an audience of more and more passionate and qualified.
In recent years the Fair has grown through the specialization in niches of excellence such as agriculture quality.
Vinitaly, born in 1967, has projected the fair nell’olimpo of international event, it is certainly the most prestigious wine event in Italy, and one of the first in the world.
The important pole has been the subject of a major restyling, which ended in 2006. Other works are in progress.
History of Verona and of the Policlinico di Borgo Roma and His University
The first settlements in these lands, where a river leaves the mountains and lies on a fertile plain, where the winters are bearable and hot summers allow abundant harvests, are lost in the mists of time. The station Quinzano back half a million years and has documented a life uninterrupted until the iron age hill forts, at the beginning of history when the Roman author Pliny Cato and Livio established here recognize Networks, Euganei Liguri and Etruscans.
Prehistoric and were the first settlements by the city of Verona, located between the current Ponte Pietra el’antistante Hill St Peter’s, where a smooth ford on the river Adige, on the path of the salt of amber and that led to the Germany.
The traces of the first contacts with Rome dating to the fourth century BC when the people who lived in this area began to establish frequent business with the city. Already in 216 a.C. they had captured a consistency as to be remembered as “present with its own quota into the Roman fighting the battle of Canne. In 148 a.C. the development of the area was a strong acceleration with the passage of the road that connected Postumia the Tyrrhenian Sea with the Adriatic and the census after 86 BC the city is enrolled in the tribe Polibio.
The act of birth in the city as a settlement dates back to Roman urban 49 BC, when it acquired the Roman citizenship and was able to become the Municipium, resulting in the creation of walls, gates, roads and sewers. Memory of this event is engraved on the oldest part of the Porta dei Leoni, which are mentioned in the four judges who followed the Roman work.
As the many monuments still perfectly preserved, in Roman times it was an important city, which in old Flavia came to its peak: strategic military outpost and thriving commercial center.
With the crumble of the Western Roman Empire the city was first converted to Christianity (between the third and fourth centuries) and then became a land of conquest for many invaders who arrived overnight.
A short period of prestige in a dark era that was from 493 to 526, when Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths, chose as one of his favorite residences, providing it with palaces, aqueducts, baths and new defensive walls.
During the domination Longobarda, Verona was the first capital of the kingdom. Alboino resided there, who in 572 was murdered by his squire as a result of a conspiracy plot by his wife Rosmunda ..
Defeated the Lombards, in 774 it became part of the Carolingian founded by the Franks and Pippin, the son of Charlemagne, it became the seat of the Kingdom of Italy.
During the reign italico between 887 and 962, Verona again central in the interests of the various pretenders to the crown: Berengar, elected from the great feudal families nell’888 Re d’Italia and became emperor in 915, chose as his residence, giving the city three decades of significant political and military importance.
With the decline of the empire, in the first half of the twelfth century Verona became a free commune, where the fate of the city was governed by an alliance between the clergy, the aristocracy and wealthy merchants.
Papal seat from 1181 to 1185 by Pope Lucius III, it was active in the battles that bring the self common to defend its autonomy from the attempts of restoration of Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II of Swabia.
At sunset municipal liberties, after the brief period of domination by the Roman Ezzelino followed the period of the Scala, which began in 1263 and lasted for over 120 years. From the family of scale he used every means to come to power, but once the government brought the city a long period of economic prosperity not as he remembered the days of ancient Rome.
Built castles, churches and palaces, making one of Verona’s late medieval culture in which they were housed the most celebrated artists, including Giotto, Dante Alighieri and Petrarch, who in 1345 discovered in the Library Capitolare a code of ‘Epistolario of Cicero.
With the defeat of Antonio della Scala by the Visconti in 1387 began the brief period of domination lombarda, ended in 1405 when the city offered free in Venice.
Linked to the Serenissima Republic, the city remained for nearly four centuries, free from occupation until June 1796 when Napoleon’s troops enter the city. An uninterrupted period of freedom and development with the sole exception of a short imperial domination between 1509 and 1517 when, after the War of the League of Cambrai was occupied by the troops of Maximilian I.
On 17 October 1797 with the signing of the Treaty of Campoformio the whole region came under the control of the Austrians, which continued for seventy years until 1866, with an interlude from 1805 to 1814 in which Verona joined the Kingdom of Italy . In this period many works are made of fortifications, including strong military Pastrengo, the Arsenal and Castel San Pietro.
On 16 October 1866 the Austrian troops leave the city, which five days later with a plebiscite sanctioned the union to the Kingdom of Italy led by Savoy.
During the Second World War the city was seriously damaged by allied bombing and the madness of the Nazis on the run, that April 25 did jump in the air, the beautiful bridges sull’Adige.
“In our post-war revival of the place of its aging system intermediary, logistic and economic – with the extension of the old industrial area, with the emergence of continental Fair for Agriculture, with the creation of Quadrante Europe, Universities and Policlinico di Borgo Roma, with the success of seasons dell’Arena lyrics (which were added those of light music accessible by young people) – all events that have fed and nourished a remarkable induced loss – Verona has perhaps achieved primates general – also enclosed by population size affected by the city (260/270.000 inhabitants) – not only in relation to other regional centers, but also to the cities of Lombardy Veneto with whom he shared almost four hundred years of joint reports
Exhibitions and events in Italy 2013
dal 18/01/2013 al 20/01/2013 |
Motor Bike Expo La più grande fiera italiana dedicata alle moto speciali, alle custom ed agli accessori |
dal 03/02/2013 al 03/02/2013 |
Mostra scambio del giocattolo d’epoca |
dal 28/02/2013 al 03/03/2013 |
Transpotec & Logitec Salone internazionale della logistica integrata e dei trasporti. |
dal 02/03/2013 al 03/03/2013 |
Model Expo Italy Fiera del modellismo |
dal 02/03/2013 al 03/03/2013 |
Elettroexpo Mostra Mercato di elettronica, radiantismo, strumentazione, componentistica Informatica |
dal 14/03/2013 al 17/03/2013 |
Legno & Edilizia Mostra internazionale sull’impiego del legno nell’edilizia |
dal 16/03/2013 al 18/03/2013 |
Sport Expo La fiera dello sport giovanile |
dal 06/04/2013 al 06/04/2013 |
OperaWine Finest italian wines, 100 great producers |
dal 07/04/2013 al 10/04/2013 |
Enolitech Salone internazionale delle tecniche per la viticoltura, l`enologia e delle tecnologie olivicole ed olearie |
dal 07/04/2013 al 10/04/2013 |
Sol&Agrifood Rassegna internazionale dell’agroalimentare di qualità |
dal 07/04/2013 al 10/04/2013 |
Vinitaly Salone internazionale del vino e dei distillati |
dal 03/05/2013 al 05/05/2013 |
Verona mineral show geo business Mostra di pietre preziose, pietre dure, pietre ornamentali, fossili e derivati, oggettistica in pietra |
dal 10/05/2013 al 12/05/2013 |
Veronafil Manifestazione filatelica, numismatica, cartofila |
dal 14/05/2013 al 16/05/2013 |
Automotive dealer day Informazioni, strategie e strumenti per la commercializzazione automobilistica |
dal 21/05/2013 al 23/05/2013 |
Pulire Mostra internazionale delle produzioni e delle tecnologie per le attività dell’igiene ambientale |
dal 21/05/2013 al 23/05/2013 |
Pulire outdoor Focus città |
dal 25/05/2013 al 29/05/2013 |
Pasta trend Il grande salone della pasta |
dal 25/05/2013 al 29/05/2013 |
Siab International techno-bake exhibition |
dal 14/09/2013 al 16/09/2013 |
Eica Esposizione internazionale del ciclo |
dal 25/09/2013 al 28/09/2013 |
Marmomacc Mostra internazionale di marmi, design e tecnologie |
dal 04/10/2013 al 06/10/2013 |
Farmadays Ricette per il cambiamento |
dal 10/10/2013 al 14/10/2013 |
ArtVerona La fiera delle gallerie italiane di arte moderna e contemporanea |
dal 13/10/2013 al 15/10/2013 |
Abitare il Tempo 100 % Project Meeting della distribuzione per le soluzioni di interni |
dal 13/10/2013 al 13/10/2013 |
Mostra scambio del giocattolo d’epoca |
dal 19/10/2013 al 20/10/2013 |
Classica motori Salone di auto e moto storiche |
dal 27/10/2013 al 27/10/2013 |
Mostra mercato del disco, del cd e del dvd usato e da collezione e del fumetto |
dal 29/10/2013 al 30/10/2013 |
Home & building Mostra convegno internazionale della domotica & building technologies |
dal 29/10/2013 al 30/10/2013 |
Acquaria Mostra convegno internazionale delle tecnologie per l’analisi, la distribuzione e il trattamento dell’acqua e dell’aria |
dal 29/10/2013 al 30/10/2013 |
Mcm Mostra convegno internazionale della manutenzione industriale |
dal 29/10/2013 al 30/10/2013 |
Save Mostra convegno internazionale delle soluzioni e applicazioni verticali di automazione, strumentazione, sensori |
dal 07/11/2013 al 10/11/2013 |
Fieracavalli International horse festival |
dal 21/11/2013 al 23/11/2013 |
Job & Orienta Mostra convegno nazionale – Orientamento, scuola, formazione,lavoro |
dal 22/11/2013 al 24/11/2013 |
Vivi la casa Evento mostra mercato – Soluzioni d’arredo classiche e moderne. Prodotti e servizi per la casa e gli sposi |
dal 22/11/2013 al 24/11/2013 |
Veronafil Manifestazione filatelica, numismatica, cartofila |
dal 23/11/2013 al 24/11/2013 |
Elettroexpo Mostra mercato di elettronica, radiantismo, strumentazione, componentistica, informatica |
dal 29/11/2013 al 01/12/2013 |
Vivi la casa Evento mostra mercato – Soluzioni d’arredo classiche e moderne. Prodotti e servizi per la casa e gli sposi |
dal 30/11/2013 al 01/12/2013 |
Verona pet’s show |
dal 06/12/2013 al 08/12/2013 |
Verona mineral show geo shop Mostra di pietre preziose,pietre dure,pietre ornamentali,fossili e derivati,oggettistica in pietra |
Exhibition spaces
- Halls: 12
- Total area: 350,000 sqm
- Gross indoor exhibition area: 122,000 sqm
- Gross outdoor exhibition area: 117,000 sqm
- Parking: 15,000 cars
- 2 conference centers: Palaexpo and Arena
- 8 conference rooms for 1400 seats and 9000 square meters with the ability to accommodate 2,000 people in the plenary hall