The restored medieval dwelling picturesquely by Antonio Avena in the mid-’30s was used in the recent past exhibitions temporanee.L ‘building has a beautiful facade interior exposed brick, a portal in Gothic style, trilobal windows, a balustrade that puts the communication from various parts of the house and, of course, the famous balcony.
Inside the furnishings are exposed XVI-XVII century., Frescoes on the story of Romeo and Juliet and Renaissance ceramics from Verona. The rooms on the top floor are covered by a wooden ceiling trilobal, with chests painted blue and gold stars.
In the courtyard there is the bronze statue of Juliet, a work by sculptor Nereo Costantini.
There is no world beyond the walls of Verona “: the pen of William Shakespeare has made immortal Verona through the tragedy of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet Capuleti Montecchi. The love story dell’infelice environmental in two very specific places, the house of Juliet and the tomb.
Casa Capuleti, best known as Juliet’s house, dates from the thirteenth century. E ‘a tower house, long owned by the Dal Cappello family, whose coat of arms is carved over the intention of the courtyard. The facade is brick decorated with elegant windows trilobal, among which stands out the famous balcony where Juliet was looking to speak with Romeo. Prepared on different floors and visited by buying a ticket, offers a plausible reconstruction of typical residences of the fourteenth century, enhanced by a wide range of medieval pottery. Thanks to the skilful restoration work carried out in 1935 by Antonio Avena is now possible to appreciate the refined elegance of the frescoes that embellish the walls which stand out in their austere simplicity, inlaid chests, brick chimneys, stairs with wooden balustrade and camminatoi. The original house remains a trace of the painting representing festoons of skins of ermine, that the wealthy used it to beautify their homes. At the end of the courtyard is a bronze statue of Juliet, a work by sculptor Nereo Costantini, that every year is visited by thousands of tourists from around the world.
The home of Romeo “is in Via Arche Scaliger. E ‘a medieval house owned by the family of the fourteenth century Cagnoli Nogarola, which were part of the Lords of dell’entourage Scala. The porch is Gothic and the courtyard is embattled. The open house is not within but adjacent restaurant are some of the rooms together. In this house would have housed the Montagues. An inscription on the facade to recall the story of Romeo and Juliet: “Oh! Where is Romeo? … Shut up, I lost myself, I have not here and son Romeo, Romeo is elsewhere “(” Act I Scene I of Romeo and Juliet “).
Information and contacts:
Casa di Giulietta
Via Cappello, 23
Phone 045 8034303
For information on tickets see Annex
Opening Hours
Mondays from 13:30 to 19:30
(the ticket office closes at 18:45)
From Tuesday to Sunday 8:30 am – 19:30
(the ticket office closes at 18:45)
Free Thoughts
William Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet – Synopsis and commentary
The action takes place in Verona, where for years the two great families, the Montagues and Capulets, are delivered to an unquenchable hatred (which is also unaware of the causes).
Romeo, son and heir of the family, the Montagues, is in love with Rosalina beautiful and not afraid to tackle in this respect the jokes of his friends Mercutio and popular.
Capulets, the head of the rival family is preparing to give a big party to allow his daughter, Juliet, to meet the Count of Paris. The latter, in fact, has application in marriage and Juliet’s parents are in favor of this union. Romeo – who believes that you’re Rosalina – you autoinvita with friends Mercutio and welcome to this great ball. Sees Juliet
and still struck by its beauty fell madly in love with her, is the reciprocal stroke of lightning. The approaches el’abbraccia twice and then retired. Romeo and Juliet now discovering their mutual identity. Desperate realize that they love each one of his worst enemy.
At the fall of the night, Romeo hides in the garden of the Capulets. So close in the Juliet balcony and declares his love. We both are competing in making passionate declarations of love. Desperately in love, Romeo is confident the next day with one Lorenzo, her confessor. At first incredulous, between Lorenzo Romeo promises to try to help him and to celebrate his marriage, had also the hope of reconciling Capulets and Montagues.
Tebaldo Juliet’s cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel. But the couple – at the height of happiness and full of sympathy “brotherhood” to the aggressor – refuses to fight. Mercutio, the confidant and friend of Romeo, a young brave and brilliant, he hastened to replace it fought against Tebaldo. The latter injury to death. Mercutio dies curse the quarrel of the two enemy families. Romeo revenge the death of his friend and kills Tebaldo. Romeo has now sought to flee into exile.
Juliet is gripped with pain. His father, made restless by the state of mind of his daughter, he decided to speed up the marriage with the Count of Paris. The marriage will take place the next day. Juliet refuses. His father threatened or married the Count, or the dispossessed. She runs from between Lorenzo suggests that drinking a filter that may give the appearance of the dead for forty hours: believing the dead in the tomb of close Capuleti. Fra Lorenzo is then to free it with Romeo. The friar promises to inform Romeo of the stratagem. Juliet accepts the plan. Left alone in his room, drinking filter. In the morning the day after the governess discovers the inanimate. The entire family mourns the death of Juliet. Fra Lorenzo makes everything takes place according to his plans.
In Mantua, where Romeo is in exile, received the visit of Baldassarre, his servant, who announces the death of Juliet. Has only a quick thought: the poison and get back to Verona to die beside his Juliet. During this time, including Lorenzo learns that a hitch has prevented his messenger to inform Romeo of his stratagem. He decided to visit the tomb of the Capulets to free Juliet. But the drama precipitates.
Romeo visits the tomb of Juliet and meets the Count of Paris came to bring flowers to the dead girlfriend. A duel takes place between the young and the Count, dying, asks Romeo accepting of lying next to Juliet. Romeo refers to the luminous beauty of Juliet el’abbraccia before drinking the poison and die in turn. Fra Lorenzo is shocked to discover the bodies of Romeo and Count of Paris. Assists the reawakening and Juliet tries to convince her to follow him and go to shelter in a convent. But Juliet discovers that the body of Romeo mortogli dagger near you with the sword of her lover and dies at his side.
The Prince, Capulets and the Montagues old went to the cemetery. Fra Lorenzo tells them the sad story of “Lovers of Verona”. The two fathers exhausted by grief deplore quest’odio, because of their misfortune. Is reconciled to the body of their child and promise to their memory to erect a statue of pure gold.
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Rich and dense work, Romeo and Juliet merges all genres, all styles, the coarseness alternado more crude and more refined lyricism. But above all, is a work supported by a poem that goes beyond time and space. This tragedy, certainly the most popular of Shakespeare, is inspired by numerous sources. But only he knew how to raise the status of myth this tragic story of love and death.
The characters of Romeo and Juliet are the first time in a novella of Luigi da Porta (1485-1529) who took one already developed by a tale of the Novellino Masuccio Salernitano and later taken over by Matteo Bandello in his Novelle. But the core narrative of the fund is already detectable in the figures of Piramo and Tisbe dashed by Ovid.
The play has inspired many artists (the celebrated musical opera by Gounod and Prokofiev ballet) and gave rise to countless film and stage adaptations.
Tragedy of the Renaissance
This tragedy is concerned with love and tragic love. Of love is certainly the work that, along with many others, celebrates the myth in such a way as to take the play to the role paradigm. From this point on, the love and Romeo and Juliet will be one of imagination. It is the love scene of pure, rarefied and without conditions, would appear even under the mortgage sex in this respect the love and mature adult of Anthony and Cleopatra could be realistic if the verification Romeo and Juliet is the romantic or idealistic discussion .
Romanticism certainly has mastered the work and it’s done, but others are its roots and its symbolic place in the background. Is against the idea of love of the Renaissance with its references Neoplatonism.
It tracks in the echo of a bellicose: Elizabethan age carries the mark of religious wars and bloody conflicts that are fought between states, between families. The character of Prince brings to mind the figure of the sovereign of iron as well as the character the same name by Machiavelli Machiavellian past and certainly in England at the time (and ears) of Shakespeare (see the essay by M. Praz). It also announces that in Shakespeare’s “Italian” eternal sanglante Italie (daggers and poisons) that arrive intact, as a romantic myth, from the hands of Stendhal (Chroniques italiennes).
But it is the root of Neoplatonism Italian poets of the past to Pléiade and certainly known to Shakespeare that building a conception of the sentiment of love on strong foundations idealistic and almost mystical (which is not limited to human feelings but the whole conception of the universe and, furthermore, as several places in the play, was put in relation with the love of a merger pantheistic), brings about a serious mortgage. The love between two teenagers is also a religious and mystical vocabulary which the presence of Brother Lorenzo gives nearly the charisma of a religious mystery.
But as always the masterpieces in the living room so symbolic of his age but make the area a symbolic universe in itself. So this bears the mark of genius and idealism Shakespearean romantic (if ever) emerge from a mélange of bold comic and pathetic, trend and momentum lyrical prose, language support and coarseness: the figure of his irregular and anticlassico author.
The unquenchable hatreds family, the rattle of swords, the whispers of amorous young men in love in fresh Italian gardens, the emphasis on lyricism and emotional unparalleled phrasing of their love, the dance of woven and malasorte case, the loss of poisons work in the cold ‘tomb (due to the handling of a brother a little’ pasticcione almost comic opera), the dead remain crossed lovers in flames in the memory of the spectator and player avvinti the combination of all time (and as never before celebrated here his triumph): the love that elevates the souls in heaven and the death that drags the bodies underground.
In “Romeo and Juliet” (1595-1596), death is present in various ways from the outset. MA is the duel between Mercutio and Tebaldo that it actually comes on stage and starts his taking possession of the city where the tragedy leads. Not only that, but that the first victim is Mercutio, a symbol of youth and freedom, the joy of life and the joy of making theater, it is also indicative of who is the subject of this onslaught of death: not old, but young people, not the decline of life, but its blossom, not fatigue, dryness of the heart, but his freshness, his desire for love. Tebaldo kills Mercutio, Romeo kills Tebaldo, until, of course, death attacks even Romeo and Juliet, and the “beautiful Verona” celebrated at the beginning turns into a tomb. Nothing remains alive if not old, whose feud and whose selfishness, not the case, have killed young people. Romeo and Juliet can finally be together but only in the crypt, with their love for eternity in frozen statues that will raise the executioners in memory.